Merging of Time and the Promise (MP3 Download)

( 3 Reviews )

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God is giving us a window of opportunity during which we can seize the promises He has given us. As we align ourselves with His decrees and speak His powerful words, Holy Spirit partners with the prophetic word to produce the promised result. This 2-part teaching explains the process. Although different, these two messages complement each other in a unique way. While being a bit out of the ordinary, DSM is offering both of these teachings in one MP3 download.

3 Reviews

Betty Hall 10th Dec 2019

Stirring and timely and empowering

There is a powerful anointing on these two sessions for such a time as this

Jean Wilson 28th Mar 2019

Merging of Time and the Promise

Excellent teachings as always from Dutch Sheets. These brought me to a new level of tenacity in declaring the Word of the Lord over myself and others.

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