Crossing Over (MP3 Download)

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The bible is full of examples where God takes individuals from one place to another, from one season to another. We can’t just cross over once, we’ve got to go from glory to glory, from level to level, from season to season. This is what God did with Joshua, Elijah, and Abraham, they each had a personal encounter with God. What God did in the past with our parents is good, but we can’t live on mom or dad’s experiences, we’ve got to encounter God ourselves. Get ready to cross over as God reveals himself to you in ways you’ve never known before.

1 Review

Tiina 28th Mar 2018

Crossing Over

This MP3 and it's God-inspired content came exactly at the right time in my life. I can only thank God for this Spirit inspired message and for Mr Sheets. Thank you and bless you! From sunny Centurion, South Africa

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